
Behind the Scenes Preparing for Silver Needle Runway

By Zoe Fernandes ‘24, Fashion Merchandising Senior & 为mer SNR Student
SNR38 Senior Directors Maddie Barone ’24, Aidan Donnelly ’24, Deniz Coskun ’24, Sarah Jacobs ’24, Ellie Thomas ’24, Rebecca DeFrancesco ’24, Archie Coueslant’ 24, Lily Malpass ’24, and Laura Kelton ’24 (left to right). Photo courtesy of Deniz Coskun ’24.

April 30, 2024 — The Silver Needle Runway 显示, 这是每年在bet亚洲365欢迎投注校园举办的规模最大的活动之一, 把麦凯恩体育馆变成了一个时尚秀台,并在社区范围内举行庆祝活动,结束学年.

周五,许多人都翘首以盼,期待着看到这些时装设计专业的大四学生设计的非凡时装, 有时候我们很容易忽略制作过程中的所有环节. 它的背后是一群敬业的学生,他们年复一年地实现了这一目标.

A Big Team Effort

Produced entirely by students since 1984, the 显示 has continued to heighten levels of expertise, 专业, 和创造力. 所有学生都通过时装表演制作体验课程来研究信噪比. 这门跨学科的课程要求学生在课堂之外花时间来做计划, 促进, 在与行业专业人士和媒体互动的同时,打造时尚秀.

The class is broken up into several teams. 每个团队都由高级总监领导,他们将时装秀作为他们的顶点项目.

The Creative Team

创意团队的任务是为节目创造主题,并通过各种视觉元素将其带入生活, including promotional videos, virtual fashion 显示s, and runway layouts. This year’s theme is titled, “相互关联的”, 这是为了挑战人们放弃对自己生活的一丝不苟的控制,并意识到我们所有人实际上是多么相似.

Rebecca DeFrancesco和Archie Coueslant是今年创意团队的总监. They spearheaded the virtual fashion shoot and runway design.

“We worked with a local studio to film the virtual shoot. 这非常令人兴奋,因为它让我体验到如果我在现实世界中工作将会是什么样子,阿尔奇说。.


Creative team students planning the layout for SNR38. Photo courtesy of Rebecca DeFrancesco '24.

“今年我们要为t台打造一种科技体验, 它与我们以前做过或见过的任何事情都不同, so we really had to go out of the box with our research,丽贝卡补充道.

The Communications Team

通信团队是信噪比与外部世界之间的纽带, 其任务是将信噪比的范围从Marist社区扩展到行业专业人士及其他领域. 通过博客, 播客, and social media posts, they utilize a multi-media approach to expand their audience.

24岁的Deniz Coskun和24岁的Sarah Jacobs负责处理这些不同的项目, who ensure that their message is clear, 简洁的, and enticing to all eyes and ears. 他们的主要项目包括采访设计师和票务,000 guests on the day of 显示.



Communication team students filming the designer interviews. Photo courtesy of Deniz Coskun '24.

“With our theme being centered around connecting with people, 我想确保我和我的团队尽可能多地与设计师合作,以确保他们的系列准确地呈现给我们的社区,丹尼斯说。.

The Production and Logistics Teams

从制定拍摄时间表到设计妆容,再到与外部制作公司合作, 制作和物流团队在展会前和展会期间都忙于重要的任务.

The directors Lily Malpass '24, Laura Kelton '24, 和24岁的艾莉·托马斯负责确保班上每个大项目从头到尾的顺利制作过程.



“I really enjoyed model casting. It was my first casting so I was nervous, but the team worked well together and we had a great turnout,”劳拉说。.


制作及后勤团队主持学生模型铸造. Photos courtesy of Gavin Gilooly '27.

On the day of the 显示, they lead the charge backstage, ensuring models arrive on time and handling hair, 化妆, 穿衣. The team is responsible for all designer garments, 确保每个型号在正确的时间以正确的顺序出厂.

“在生产, 道路上经常会有颠簸,我们必须保持冷静,解决问题,莉莉补充道。. “It is imperative in this role to have 专业, clear communication, and organizational skills.”

The Branding Team

品牌团队必须维护整体信噪比形象,并确保在班级的所有媒体中都有一定程度的品牌凝聚力. They produce merchandise, events, community outreach, and digital media that all 促进 the SNR brand.

24岁的Maddie Barone和24岁的Aidan Donnelly是品牌总监,负责通过所有团队项目保持品牌一致性.

The branding team has the responsibility of creating the SNR38里 with all the senior collections.

“这是一个充满挑战但又非常有益的经历,因为这个项目即将完成, 在整个时尚项目中被广泛分享和享受,艾丹说。.

Image of students and teachers at the SNR38 launch party.

Students and teachers at the SNR38 launch party. Photo courtesy of Maddie Barone '24.

品牌团队在整个学期都会举办多个活动来推广SNR品牌,比如他们的启动派对, networking event, and Fashion Fest. 这是他们第一次在当地举办年度主题发布会.

“在火星社区之外的外部活动空间工作是我以前从未有过的机会,玛蒂说。. “所以这对整个团队来说是一个学习曲线,需要细致的计划和协调.”

看到所有这些学生的努力在周五SNR38聚集在一起. Purchase your tickets 在这里.
