


Ten Marist students completed summer internships at nine partner organizations, 学习工作技能,对当地社区产生持久的影响.

2019年10月8日-“一次改变人生的经历.这是20岁的艾米丽·萨丹(Emily 缎)对自己在塔弗实习的暑假的描述, and certainly the Tarver Summer Internship Program is a high-impact learning experience whose effects are felt for years afterward, 学生实习生和他们所服务的当地社区成员. 自2014年以来, a total of 34 塔沃实习生 have worked with 15 nonprofit organizations from across the Hudson River Valley, 贡献8,704小时的服务时间. 塔弗大学的校友都取得了巨大的成功, 包括富布赖特奖, 哥伦比亚大学和密歇根大学的研究生课程, 以及在无国界医生组织的工作.

下面是它的工作原理. 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的指导下 公民参与与领导中心(CCEL), students from a variety of academic disciplines receive an eight-week paid internship to work over the summer with a local nonprofit. The expectation is that the student will work on a project that leaves something tangible for the organization. In return, the students gain real-world experience that prepares them for the future. 近年来, 每年有6名学生获得塔弗实习机会, but a grant from the John Ben Snow Foundation made it possible for 10 students to have this experience in 2019. The students live together on the Marist campus as a cohort and take a three-credit course with Melissa Gaeke, CCEL总监. 除了, faculty mentors work closely with the students during the course of their internships; this year, 社会工作副教授达莉亚·汉森, 政治学副教授杰西卡·博斯卡里诺, and Assistant Professor of Spanish Patricia Ferrer served in that crucial advisory role.



缎, 来自奥尔巴尼的心理学专业学生, 纽约, spent the summer at 家庭 Services’ Children’s Center helping to engage children in positive activities. Her project addressed the lack of resources for children with special needs in particular. 缎 identified grant opportunities that would allow 家庭 Services staff to purchase sensory toys and equipment to use in the Children’s Center, 让所有的孩子都能从表达艺术中受益, 戏剧, 沙疗法. 缎 called the faculty guidance and support she received “immeasurable” and noted that her site supervisors provided her with “insight, 指导, 以及职业建议.“在工作环境中变得舒适的机会, 在智力上挑战自己, 让自己沉浸在公共问题中是一种充实. “它为未来提供了真正的清晰感.”

安吉莉卡·拉多姆斯基,21岁, 来自马萨皮克的政治学专业, 纽约, worked with Mental Health America (MHA) of Dutchess County and called her experience “unlike any internship I have ever had or even heard of.整个夏天, she supported MHA’s Communications and Development Department by creating content for the organization’s 社会 media accounts. She also envisioned and planned a community event called Take 5 Wellness Festival, a family-friendly event where members of the community could take a mental health day while learning about services and resources in the community. She even secured financial and other in-kind resources to make the event possible. 说Radomski, “在玛丽斯特学院和麻省理工学院的支持下, I was able to fully step out of my comfort zone and take on a project that strengthened my communication, 组织, 以及领导能力.”



哈森·加斯顿,20岁, 哈特福德的社会工作专业, 康涅狄格, 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的自由伙伴计划(LPP)实习, 哪些提供全面的服务,以满足学术要求, 社会, 情感, 以及高危学生的职业需求. LPP seeks to successfully transition 341 Poughkeepsie City School District students (grades 5-12) into graduates who are equipped to handle the rigors of college and the demands of the competitive workforce. 作为他工作的一部分, Gaston created a series of 社会-情感 workshops for the youth served by LPP’s summer programming. He facilitated eight seminars ranging from value trees to personal reflections on leadership to vision boards. 反思自己的经历, 加斯顿说, “当我想起我在塔弗实习的经历时,脑海中浮现出许多词语. 其中,洞察、暴露和清晰最能描述我的旅程.”



20岁的阿比盖尔·维拉法娜, 他来自明尼阿波利斯,主修刑事司法和心理学, 明尼苏达州, the 塔沃实习生hip Program “allowed [her] to grow in ways that I could not have imagined.“与努比亚方向合作, which provides youth and adults with technology training and other workforce skills, 她的“狐狸窝行动”项目产生了持久的影响. Villafana worked to transform a crowded storage basement into a game room and lounge area for the students served by the nonprofit. 发起一项募集资金和所需物品的活动, she raised nearly $600 and several hundred dollars’ worth of furniture and décor. 除了这个项目, Villafana especially enjoyed the academic aspect of her summer internship: “Within the classroom, there was always encouragement to dive deeper into topics and concepts that interested us as students, 这让这段经历变得非常个人化.”



路易斯·伊格拉,20岁, 皮茨菲尔德的政治科学和哲学专业, 麻萨诸塞州, said that his Tarver experience “helped refine my career goals and provided context to my academic work.伊格拉整个夏天都在哈德逊河谷的扫盲协会度过, which provides tutoring services to adults and young people struggling with literacy. His project began as an outreach initiative for Latinx/Hispanic learners and developed into a larger project to recruit students and tutors to help expand Literacy Connections’ adult reading and ESL programs. Higuera helped create a plan for partner organizations to start a referral program for both students and volunteers, and he plans to continue his work by implementing assessment surveys and by expanding the organization’s 社会 media presence.

Melissa Gaeke, CCEL总监

Melissa Gaeke, CCEL总监

在盖克的指挥下, the CCEL is busy all year round developing a new generation of civic-minded and service-oriented leaders. 根据盖克的说法, “bet亚洲365欢迎投注的教职员工和我们的社区合作伙伴对我们的工作至关重要, allowing us to create community-based learning classes that enrich the Marist curriculum and give students the chance for experiential learning. Last year, there were 32 classes with a community component, and that number keeps increasing.“进一步将学生与非营利组织联系起来, 她计划在10月26日召开一个非营利性职业会议, which will help students build their networks by meeting alumni and other professionals working in the sector. It’s just another way in which the CCEL is helping Marist students explore careers while building the nonprofit pipeline.
